The National Representative group met recently.

We were discussing how the National Representatives want to contribute to the work of DSi, what roles they could take and the projects they want the group to work on.

We also discussed good examples of inclusive participation and how organisations have worked with people who have Down syndrome.

Things the group want to work on are:

  • Self-advocacy projects,
  • Public speaking,
  • Accessible information,
  • Making video content for DSi.

There were good examples of organisations and governments including people who have Down syndrome in their work, but it was agreed that there is much more that can be done.

I would like to have meetings with people from different countries, so I can see the kind of projects they work on all day and what they do in their lives. We can share our stories."

- Robert, Turkey

I would like us to do more public speaking. I have given talks in New York and in Geneva and I have been giving talks to midwives and new parents. I am the editor of a magazine called Down 2 Earth for our national Down syndrome association. 
I would like the group to get together and talk about mainstream education in all the different countries.

- Kate, United Kingdom

I would like to work in accessibility topics. Working guides or booklets in easy read, so we can all have easy understanding of things in different languages. 
I have worked on Facebook groups and videos in the past. I think it would be good for the group to make a video about the National Representatives and what our roles are in the group.

- Jaime, Peru

I've been asked to join the work of the Disability Rights unit of University of Pretoria. Together, we aim to promote disability rights in Africa. Another way in which to promote our work is by changing the perceptions of the general public in South Africa, about people like me. I have been invited to do many public speeches. I am a co presenter of a radio show, a local news station to discuss matters about disabilities.
I am happy to work at a school for learners with intellectual disabilities, as assistant in the pre-primary classes every day for the last 12 years.
I would like our group to meet in person one day.

- Sherie, South Africa

I would like to work with DSi to raise awareness of Down syndrome and help to improve inclusive education situation in my country.
My wish is to work on projects for self-advocacy or inclusive education with the group.
I worked with Chatterbox Nepal, public speaking to raise awareness on Down syndrome, COVID 19 Awareness and prevention measures.

- Ashish, Nepal

I would like to talk about jobs for people who have Down syndrome and getting people like me employment opportunities. We could make videos about what employment is like in different countries.

- Favour, Nigeria