Within our network...

We are a global network with members and contacts in 136 countries. Our members range from national and world regional Down syndrome advocacy organisations, to issue specific expert groups and advisors, to individuals with Down syndrome and those who advocate for them.

Our network also extends beyond our members to other expert and stakeholder groups whose advice and partnership we value. 

Our commitment is for all of our work to be guided by a combination of the leading international experts in the fields relevant to the lives of people with Down syndrome and the key stakeholders who bring knowledge, experience and insight...not least people with Down syndrome themselves.

Learn more about:

Our membersOur committeesOur advisors 

Within the disability movement...

Much of the advocacy work we do is very similar to that of other disabled people's organisations and as members of the International Disability Alliance, we collaborate closely with our disability community partners at national and regional levels and within the United Nations (UN) system, where we are in Special Consultative (ECOSOC) Status with the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

Learn more about our work in:

International advocacy